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Modern Americana: Studio Furniture from High Craft to High Glam book by Todd Merrill and Julie Iovine
Modern Americana: Studio Furniture from High Craft to High Glam book by Todd Merrill and Julie Iovine
Modern Americana: Studio Furniture from High Craft to High Glam book by Todd Merrill and Julie Iovine
Modern Americana: Studio Furniture from High Craft to High Glam book by Todd Merrill and Julie Iovine
Modern Americana: Studio Furniture from High Craft to High Glam book by Todd Merrill and Julie Iovine
Modern Americana: Studio Furniture from High Craft to High Glam book by Todd Merrill and Julie Iovine
Modern Americana: Studio Furniture from High Craft to High Glam book by Todd Merrill and Julie Iovine
Modern Americana: Studio Furniture from High Craft to High Glam book by Todd Merrill and Julie Iovine
Modern Americana: Studio Furniture from High Craft to High Glam book by Todd Merrill and Julie Iovine

Modern Americana: Studio Furniture from High Craft to High Glam book by Todd Merrill and Julie Iovine


An excellent primer on American studio design from the 1940s through 1990s. Features work by highly collectible heavyweights like George Nakashima, Vladimir Kagan, Paul Evans & Philip Lloyd Powell, Wendell Castle, T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings, Karl Springer, J.B. Blunk, Michael Coffey, Wharton Esherick, Arthur Espenet Carpenter, Sam Maloof, Jack Rogers Hopkins, Silas Seandel, Charles Hollis Jones, Philip & Kevin LaVerne, Tommi Parzinger, Harvey Probber, Edward Wormley, John Dickinson, Arthur Elrod, and Paul Laszlo. Meticulously researched with beautiful photographs.

12" x 9" x 1.5